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Monetize your blog through link insertion and niche edits

How to monetize your website as an African content creator. Contextual links direct you to related content or more ideas to what you are reading.

Monetize your blog through link insertion and niche edits


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Key takeaways


  1. Link insertion presents you with a rare opportunity to effortlessly monetize your website traffic and favorable site metrics.
  2. Link insertion refers to the placement of contextual backlinks pointing back to your website/blog, inside related content on another website.
  3. Also known as niche editing, it passes authority from one site to another.
  4. Contextual links refer to clickable text inside an article that directs you to a related topic, idea, or more context.
  5. Link insertion has not only proved to be effective but is also incredibly easy to implement.
  6. This is a guide on how you can optimize your site and earn from link insertion/niche edits.



How to monetize your website as an African content creator. Contextual links direct you to related content or more ideas to what you are reading.
Contextual backlinks direct you to related content or more ideas to what you are reading. Picture/Courtesy




Relevant in-content editorial backlinks – how they work


  1. As discussed in our last website monetization post, site owners and bloggers should place more emphasis on the length of articles and overall content quality.
  2. Brands and advertisers often scout for relevant sites with good metrics and authoritative content to publish links.
  3. It is important to note that backlinks (in-content editorial links) are usually published inside already existing content that is related to the sites being linked.
  4. Related sites can be described as:
      1. Sites that offer more information or ideas about a given topic or subject.
      2. Sites that bring out more context to a discussed topic.
      3. The aspects of relatability and context give the name “contextual backlinks”, and these have become a valuable money-generating service for publishers.


When an advertiser identifies your site as closely related to information about their products or niche, they will consider buying link insertion/niche edits on your site.



Also read: How to monetize your website as an African content creator



What are contextual do-follow and no-follow links and how do they work on your website?


  1. Contextual links are pieces of clickable text within an article that direct you to related content or more ideas to what you are reading.
  2. Do-follow backlinks are links that allow Google to associate your website with the one you want to link from.
  3. This passes authority to your site and increases your domain rating.
  4. No-follow links are ignored by search engines. A no-follow link will not be associated with another website, and hence will not be considered for page authority.


Monetize your website through link insertion and niche edits. In-content editorial backlinks work by instructing Google to pass authority to the sites they link to.
In-content editorial backlinks work by instructing Google to pass authority to the sites they link to. Picture/Courtesy




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SEO Link insertion and Domain Rating, Page Authority


  1. Remember: Inserting backlinks from other websites on your site instructs Google to pass authority to those sites.
  2. This increases their domain rating (DR) and page authority (PA). DR and PA are awarded based on the number of other websites linking back to a given site.
  3. This, however, does not in any way affect the authority of your website.
  4. It is certain you are going to make money out of this arrangement in exchange for passing authority to the client’s site.



Monetize your website through link insertion and niche edits. Domain Rating and Page Authority are metrics awarded based on the number of other websites linking back to a given site.
Domain Rating and Page Authority are metrics awarded based on the number of other websites linking back to a given site. Picture/Courtesy




Benefits of link insertions/backlinking


  1. Link insertion is a reliable, ever-present opportunity for site owners to monetize their already valuable content.
  2. This is a rare win-win situation for the site owner and link owner.
  3. Advertisers and other site owners may require link insertion services/niche edits on your website for the following reasons:
      1. Boost domain authority, page authority, and domain rating for their websites through in-content editorial links
      2. Raise the search engine ranking of their websites
      3. Increase their web traffic and visits
      4. Create awareness about products and services
      5. Boost online visibility and reach more potential customers
      6. Make sales directly from the campaigns
      7. Build credibility for their brand by collaborating with authoritative and trusted websites.



Follow these simple steps to monetize your website through link insertion and niche edits:



Click here to register as a content creator and monetize your site.


  1. Optimize your website search ranking through SEO.
  2. This is how your site will get noticed by both readers/viewers and advertisers.
  3. Actively check your emails for link insertion requests.
  4. Research how much you can charge based on your traffic and other metrics like Domain Authority, Domain Rating, and Page Authority.
  5. Prepare a rate card for advertisers.
  6. Respond to content requests through well-toned and informative emails.
  7. Insert links from advertisers instantly. (Preferred turn-around time is 24 hours)
  8. To get more orders, you should consider publishing all link types including;
        1. Do-follow links
        2. Indexable links
        3. Permanent links
  9. Once published send the live link and invoice, while thanking the client for the business.
  10. Be sure to follow up with advertisers after successfully processing their orders by publishing articles.
  11. Create a mailing list for all sponsored post clients to enable routine follow-ups.



How to monetize your website as an African content creator
Monetize your website through the insertion of contextual backlinks inside existing text. Picture/Courtesy



How much can I be paid for niche edits on my website? – link insertion prices


  1. While link insertion prices generally depend on website metrics as discussed above, they can sometimes be subjective.
  2. Sites with high traffic, Domain Rating, and Domain Authority often charge a premium price for link insertion services.
  3. Just like sponsored post categories, different link types are priced differently by sponsored post publishers. An article with a casino link may cost more than a fashion link.
  4. In some cases, the prices will be set as a result of negotiation between a site owner and a client.
  5. It is common for site owners to inquire about their client’s budget during outreach.
  6. Once the client states their budget, you can then discuss and find a price agreeable to all, still based on the metrics.



Click here to register as a content creator and monetize your site.



Make the most of link insertion campaigns through quality anchor texts


  1. As a site owner, you have a responsibility to give your clients the best value for their money on a niche edit campaign.
  2. Apart from high metrics such as domain authority and domain rating, the text in which the links are inserted should be relevant and top quality.
  3. Use the tips below to enhance your anchor text and get the best-performing link insertion campaigns:


      1. In niche editing, links are inserted inside words, phrases, or sentences which are referred to as the anchor text.
      2. Anchor text derives its name from the role it plays, which carrying or anchoring the link.
      3. It is, therefore, important to insert your contextual link inside the right anchor text.
      4. The finest anchor texts are very brief, communicative, and usually stand out from the rest of the content.
      5. To begin with, anchor text appears in a different color from the main text of an article.
      6. As a rule of thumb, anchor texts contain Call to Action (CTA) statements that prompt readers to perform specific actions.
      7. When doing link insertion to generate leads, for instance, your anchor text should contain words like “subscribe”, “register” or “get started”.
      8. Captivating and compelling words are the most suitable to attract users to your website.
      9. Captivating and compelling anchor text could be something like: “Read our step-by-step guide on how to execute a successful email campaign”
      10. Your anchor texts should be crafted in such a manner that they present value/solutions to readers, prompting them to click and open your link.
      11. It is also important that the message of the anchor text matches or blends with the rest of the website content.
      12. This should be observed in order to have the inserted links as natural as possible.
      13. Contextual links are considered natural if the content they point to is related to the article they appear on.



How to monetize your website as an African content creator. Contextual links direct you to related content or more ideas to what you are reading.
Contextual backlinks direct you to related content or more ideas to what you are reading. Picture/Courtesy



Link-building outreach


  1. Link insertion/niche edits fall under link-building outreach.
  2. Link-building outreach refers to actively reaching out to online publishers/site owners asking them to link back to your site.
  3. It is a deliberate effort in searching, identifying, contacting, and vetting related websites in order to find the most appropriate ones.
  4. The website content must complement, enrich, and add value to what you already have on your blog or product/service for an advertiser/brand.
  5. As a site owner or publisher, you should have a functional email address well placed on your website for advertisers and other publishers to reach out to.
  6. Link-building outreach not only helps you monetize your website but also secures long-term beneficial connections with fellow publishers, brands, and advertisers.



Click here to register as a content creator and monetize your site.



To wrap up, link insertion is relatively easy to execute and it can be a steady source of income. In order to make the most out of it, you need to optimize your website by creating long, detailed content on a specific niche.  Growing the website metrics such as domain rating and authority is also crucial for monetizing your website through link insertion.

These efforts will draw advertisers and other interested site owners your way. You should also be readily accessible via email and other contact methods so that more outreach campaigns reach you.



  • Lee

    Lee is a professional SEO copywriter and editor. He is passionate about SEO topics such as blog writing, guest posting, sponsored posts, link insertion, and niche editing. Keep an eye on this blog for his unique perspectives on SEO, media buying, and digital marketing.

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